Monday, June 15, 2009

Horses assault

Horses - Assault

An amazing account of a horse named Assault saddled with injuries and luck who in spite of this went on to become the 7th triple crown winner in history.


If seven is a lucky number it certainly was a lucky number in the year 1946 for a horse by the name of Assault who went on to become the 7th triple crown winner in horse racing history.

Assault didn't have an easy time of it on his way to the triple crown. For that matter, he didn't have an easy time of it just racing. Coming from a family of horses plagued with health problems and nagging injuries, Assault seemed to fall victim to the same fate. When he was a foal he stepped on a stake at King Ranch and was nearly crippled because of it and it did leave him with a malformed right fore hoof. Because of this, Assault was difficult to shoe. He had a ghastly looking walk and a gallop that ultimately led to him getting the nickname "The Clubfooted Comet".

As race horses went, against all kinds of odds, Assault was a thing of great beauty. In his first race he finished only 12th and only won 2 of his first 9 races but when the turned three he finally started to get his act together. It was


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