Tuesday, June 16, 2009

House training dogs successfully

House Training Dogs Successfully

You could House train your dog easily if you had the time to watch your puppy 24 hours a day. But as you cant watch them around the clock, dont expect to train them all at once. Training can take up to about 6 months. Puppies are growing and developing quickly at this stage. They eat more food and burn up lots of energy and consequently need to go more often.

The most important issue in house training dogs should be teaching him to control his bowel. When he is still a...



You could House train your dog easily if you had the time to watch your puppy 24 hours a day. But as you cant watch them around the clock, dont expect to train them all at once. Training can take up to about 6 months. Puppies are growing and developing quickly at this stage. They eat more food and burn up lots of energy and consequently need to go more often.

The most important issue in house training dogs should be teaching him to control his bowel. When he is still a puppy, he has not yet developed bladder control.

House training dogs is hard when you are not home. Your puppy needs a lot of attention. You should first confine your puppy in a puppy-proof room with paper spread all over the floor. Put his water bowls and food right next to it. The papers you have set on the floor may be dragged and chewed around his little den, but its important and helpful in teaching your puppy where to eliminate his waste properly. There will be no


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