Thursday, June 18, 2009

Stress and the ph miracle diet

Stress and the pH miracle diet

The pH miracle diet is a new way to look at how you eat. By addressing each food, beverage, supplement, and additive by its acidic or alkaline signature a balance can be negotiated. Our bodies work according to the pH scale, which works on a range of 1 to 14. A ranking of 1 on this scale denotes a high level of acid while a ranking of 14 indicates that there is a high concentration of alkaline present. A ranking of 7 on the pH scale represents neutrality in pH. The blood in the human bloodstream regulates at the level of 7.35, which is mildly alkaline. The pH miracle diet advocates keeping the intake of food into your body in line with this optimum level. The method of implementation is quite simple, by coordinating an eating planned structured around a comprehensive list of foo


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