Thursday, August 20, 2009

The body s energy centers

The Bodys Energy Centers


Eastern philosophy and medicine, originating in ancient India and China, have traditionally regarded body structures and the life processes occurring within as inseparable. Their terminology resides halfway between structure and function and identifies certain entities in the human body, representing the flow of life energy and, in some sense, conduits for that flow that do not correspond to anatomical structures recognized by Western science and medicine. The chakras are the energy ...

chakra,basic chakras,meditation,energy bursts,energy wheels,

Eastern philosophy and medicine, originating in ancient India and China, have traditionally regarded body structures and the life processes occurring within as inseparable. Their terminology resides halfway between structure and function and identifies certain entities in the human body, representing the flow of life energy and, in some sense, conduits for that flow that do not correspond to anatomical structures recognized by Western science and medicine. The chakras are the energy centers in a persons biological field and are responsible for his or her physiological and psychological condition as well as certain groups of organs. All vital functions of the human body are determined by energy that spins in the chakras. These can be defined as whirlpools referred, and in Indian, they are considered energy bursts or wheels.

The process of energy transformation happens exactly in these centers. Vital energy, along with blood,


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