Sunday, August 23, 2009

Unlocking the secret to the adult canine stem cells

Unlocking the secret to the adult canine stem cell

Unlocking the secret to the adult canine stem cell will surely pave the way for a better future in creating a better bond between man and his canine friend.

But what exactly is an adult canine stem cell?

For starters, stem cells define the way how life is currently being viewed from varying perspectives, due to recent breakthroughs and discoveries about the many possible benefits and uses of stem cells, both in humans and animals.

Much has been said and controversies have arisen about breakthroughs in stem cell research and how many people perceive it as a major factor for breakthrough treatments of many diseases.

Initially, stem cells are generally basic primal cells found in all multi-cellular organisms that have the ability to regenerate through a process called mitotic cell division and can also differentiate to a broad and diverse range of specialized cell types.

Stem cells are broken down to three common categories, which are defined as embryo


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